The Importance of Dreaming

It is easy to feel stuck in the heaviness of our world, cold and rigid with structures and systems that are harmful and extractive. Genocide, oppression, systemic racism, late-stage capitalism; every day we are inundated with reminders that things must change. Within these moments of heaviness, I often notice hopelessness and apathy creeping up beside me. “Things will never change” “it’s too hard to rebuild” “Humans are addicted to power” they whisper. I feel my sight limiting, as if I were a horse with blinders on unable to listen or see my true intuitive wisdom.

When I feel the tunnel vision, the disconnection from my body and spirit, I pause.

I go outside. I listen to the sweetness of bird song. I see the deep ancient tree roots committed to slow growth. I smell the sweet budding daphne offering lifegiving nectar to hummingbird.

I remember: this change will not come from the linear building mind.

A new earth is an energetic remembering. Expansive creative envisioning. Connection to our spirit, ancestors, guides and community. Many indigenous cultures believe that our world was created from the “dreamtime.” The dreamtime is a concept specifically from Indigenous Australians that believe we birth our reality from that liminal space of spirit.

When I am feeling bogged down by the to-do lists of life I find myself losing touch with my dreams, or my dreams serving as anxious reminders of the importance of reconnecting to my spirit. As an energy worker and intuitive by practice, I know that my ability to see and channel clearly has everything to do with how connected I am to my own spirit.

Bringing intentionality to the way I connect with the dream space has allowed my intuitive abilities to increase, and my ability to envision in all areas of my life to broaden. The dreaming realm can be connected to during sleep, and during the day through your imagination. Getting clear on what you are calling in or the messages you seek from spirit can be very helpful! Also, simply paying attention to your own dreams and noticing patterns/symbols that appear.

Here is a ritual we hope you find supportive for connecting to the realm of the subconscious and spirit, below is a guided audio and written practice.

These connections are like anything else, they require practice. Be patient with yourself if you have a difficult time visualizing, your intention to connect and honor is enough.

Setting the Space: Choose a quiet and comfortable space where you will not be disturbed. You can dim the lights or light candles if that helps you relax.

Intention Setting: Take a few moments to silently set your intention for this exploration. What do you hope to gain from connecting with your dream space and subconscious? Maybe you ask for guidance or direction, or how you might be in best service to the earth and the collective. Perhaps it’s as simple as asking for support or reconnecting to your joy.

Calling in Support: Call in the support of your well ancestors and any guides who can help you hold clear and protected space. Ask for that the symbols and messages be understandable to you.


Finding the dream gateway: Imagine yourself standing at the entrance to a hidden door. This door represents the gateway to spirit and subconscious. The door can be anything you imagine it to be: grand and ornate, rustic and wooden, or something entirely unique to you.

Opening the Door: As you stand before the door, take a few deep breaths and feel yourself becoming calm and centered. Visualize yourself reaching out and placing your hand on the doorknob. As you turn the knob, notice how it feels.

Entering the Dreamscape: Slowly, the door begins to creak open. Step through the doorway and into the dream realm. This space can be anything you imagine: a vast, open field, a bustling marketplace, or a fantastical world of your own creation.

Connecting with your Subconscious: Look around your dreamscape and notice the sights, sounds, and smells that surround you. Pay attention to any symbols or recurring elements that stand out to you. These may hold personal meaning or messages from your spirit and subconscious.

Asking a Question (Optional): If you set an intention before starting this visualization, this is the time to ask your question. Speak clearly and directly, and be open to receiving the answer in any form, such as an image, a feeling, or a voice.

Exploring and Learning: Spend some time exploring your dreamscape and interacting with its elements. Be curious and open to whatever experiences you encounter. Trust your intuition and pay attention to any insights or messages that arise.


Gently Closing the Door: When you feel ready, gently turn and walk back towards the door. As you step back through, take a moment to acknowledge and thank your spirit and subconscious for the experience.

Grounding Yourself: Take a few deep breaths and wiggle your fingers and toes to ground yourself back into the physical world. Thank all beings and energies that were with you during this experience, asking for gentle integration of these messages. You may want to journal or record insights.

Remember: This is just a starting point, and you can adapt and modify this visualization to fit your own preferences and beliefs. The most important thing is to approach this practice with patience, reverence and an open heart.


Multiple Truths


Change, at nature’s pace