
Embody was born out of a shared vision among a group of passionate individuals who sought to create a transformative space, a sanctuary away from the daily grind, where people could delve into the depths of their being. As experienced wellness practitioners, each with their unique gifts and expertise, we united to curate a well-rounded foundation that offers diverse opportunities for growth and connection.

The Essence of Embody

We believe in the profound importance of embracing our bodies for overall well-being and embodying our best selves. We invite you to embark on a journey that goes beyond surface-level experiences, forging a deep connection between your emotions and the physical sensations within your body. Through a wide range of workshops and activities, we guide you in exploring the profound connection between mind, body, and spirit.

Workshops & Activites

At Embody, we curate an array of transformative workshops and activities designed to nurture your holistic well-being. Immerse yourself in the ethereal realm of sound healing, where meditation intertwines with the enchanting vibrations of crystal bowls, gongs, and other resonant instruments, transporting you to a place of deep serenity.

Authentic Connection

Our retreats provide a sacred space for authentic connection where vulnerability is celebrated and compassion abounds. Here, you have the freedom to explore the intricate tapestry of your emotions, unravel the stories woven within, and embrace the raw essence of your being. Embody creates an environment where you can connect with others and yourself on a profound and authentic level, fostering growth, understanding, and rejuvenation.

A Space for All of You

At Embody, there are no expectations or judgments. We wholeheartedly embrace and accept you as you are. Our retreats offer a sanctuary where you can show up as your authentic self, free from the pressures of conforming to societal norms, and our facilitators are here to act as attentive listeners and compassionate witnesses to your unique journey. We are here to meet you where you are and provide opportunities for connection, growth, and rejuvenation.

Your voice and your gifts are an invaluable cornerstone of our retreats. We wholeheartedly encourage you to share your offerings, desires, provide feedback, actively participating in co-creation of the transformative experience. Embody Retreats thrives on the power of community, recognizing that each individual's unique contribution enriches the web of our shared journey.

Community & Inclusivity

Community and inclusivity lie at the core of Embody's values. We believe that healing and wellness should be accessible to all, regardless of socioeconomic status, race, religion, color, or background. In alignment with our values, we support locally owned, BIPOC businesses, prioritize being in right relationship with the community and the land, and source our food locally from farms and community projects in and around the Portland Oregon area. Additionally, we provide scholarship opportunities to ensure that everyone has access to our retreats.

Join us at Embody

We invite you to embark on a transformative journey with Embody, where wellness, spirituality and authentic connection converge. Here, you can recharge your spirit, rediscover your truth, and step into the fullness of your being. Together, let's explore the profound depths of self-discovery, nurture your mind-body connection, and build a community that embraces healing, growth, and unity.