Ecstatic Dance

In Ecstatic Dance you will be encouraged to let the body move you. We practice getting out of our heads and tapping into something much deeper and more fulfilling. There is no right or wrong way to move your body - simply show up and see where the music takes you. When we give ourselves space to drop into the body and tune into our felt sense we often surprise ourselves with the amount of wild creativity ready to flow through us.

By allowing the body to move freely in this practice you can release stagnant energy and tension, in the way that best serves you. The primary intention of Ecstatic Dance is to cultivate communal joy so we can feel energized, supported, and full of love. Through regular Ecstatic Dancing, you may form a deeper connection with yourself, show up more authentically in your daily life, increase your confidence, and make new friends.

  • Promotes self-expression and sef-love

  • Grounds you back into the present moment

  • Can help you move through unprocessed emotions

  • Boosts the feel-good hormone endorphin

  • Encourages a trance-like state of theta brain waves (known to enhance creativity, intuition, & memory)

  • Reduces stress on a physiological and mental level

  • Inspires a state of bliss and contentment

  • Supports a deep connection with oneself

  • Nurtures a sense of belonging

Ecstatic Dance Benefits:

We dance to bring out the joy within and express our fullest selves. We dance together to expand upon this joy in community and liberate ourselves from that which creates the illusion of separateness.” - Devon Wright